
Thank you for your interest in volunteering!

We encourage everyone to volunteer at least once during the event. Don’t worry about not being qualified; there are jobs for everyone.

Sign up now on Sign-up Genius: Sign Up Genius 

Browse our volunteer handbook for more information!

Why Volunteer?

Volunteering is a great way to meet new people, get more involved in the community and help make Unicon a success!!

Unicon simply wouldn’t work without its volunteers. No matter your skills, there is a task waiting for you!

Please reach out with any questions, or if there’s something specific you’d like to help with. You can reach us at volunteer.directors.unicon@gmail.com.

Volunteer T-Shirts!

One of the fun parts of volunteering is the tee shirt you can wear with pride during and after Unicon. However, at past Unicons, there have been issues with volunteers wearing their volunteer shirts at inappropriate times. This can cause confusion for directors, competitors, and spectators. To combat this confusion, the Unicon 21 team asks that all volunteers only wear their volunteer shirts when they are actively volunteering.

Last Updated: June 18, 2024